You Can’t Control My Mind

How bad can it get for one to desire her narc hit her? And now that Scotland has made emotional and psychological abuse an offense just like physical abuse, how long is it going to take for the U.S. to pass similar legislature?

via I Wished He Had Hit Me — No More Narchole

Watch Over Me


While at work yesterday, I had to go outside and record some information off of a vehicle.  A gentleman was with me and had already climbed on top of the hood and opened the access grate to the engine compartment.  As I walked along side, next to the wheel fender, a bird flew out from under and scared the daylights out of me!  After I revived myself from my slight heart attack and went to complete the task at hand, I caught a glimpse of two tiny baby birds.  They were huddled tightly together.  Their eyes still hadn’t open and the temperature outside was a cool 63 degrees, not counting the wind chill coming from the nearby river.  I looked around and saw their mom hadn’t went too far off, but she seemed to be injured.  When she had flown from the nest so quickly, I think one of her wings caught the fence the truck was parked closely by.  I automatically felt horrible and suddenly responsible for the future of these two baby birds, if the mother couldn’t return to the nest.

My  co-worker and I managed to collect the required information I needed and we headed back toward the building.  However, my mind was stuck on the incident that had just occurred.  Of course, I made calls to the Animal Society, The Birds of Prey, ANYONE I could think of or they could think of!  Finally, a lady over the phone told me of a nearby veterinarian hospital that would take the infant birds and care for them if the mother doesn’t come back. Thank goodness!  Back to focusing on work until the workday is done.

Well, to finish the story about the birds… I revisit the vehicle after work and I found the mother was back with her babies.  What an great sigh of relief, and in a moment it changed into a tremendous brain game in my mind.  What if I wouldn’t of cared enough to return to check on the birds?  What if the mother couldn’t of made it back? What if we wouldn’t of had someone to look out for us until we were old enough to take care of ourselves?  Many are fortunate to have two parents to care for them.  Some are lucky enough to have one and they usually dedicate their life caring, loving, making sure that child has everything it needs.  Most of all, praying that someday they will make this world a better place, contribute something worthwhile, or just do better than you did.  Some however, are left abandoned, unloved, unwanted.  Amazing how your whole future lies on if you have someone to help you or not.

Think about that next time you see a person who seems depressed, sad, alone, or just maybe needing someone to acknowledge they exist!  If you’re reading this and you are one of those people that need to be noticed, look for a positive way to be noticed.  Don’t wait for someone to say hello to you, you say it first.  For example, I’ve worked at this company for almost 10 years.  When I first started, I put an effort into making friends and learning peoples names.  Then, as time went by and my job carried more responsibility, or required most of my work to be done by me alone, I stopped reaching out to people.  A lot of people have come and gone since I started here and I find I only know the names of people I’m in direct contact with.  However, I run into someone outside of work and they call me by name.  Some I recognize, some of them have work here longer than I have, and I still can’t call them by name.  I realized then, I really do shell myself from the world.  Almost everyone in the local area knows me because of my emails I send and the communications over the computer, but I couldn’t call about 10 to 15 by name.  That’s sad, after 10 years.  I’ve made a new goal to identify with someone new or work on learning someone’s name that I don’t know, everyday.  Whether it be work or in my neighborhood.  I choose to be alone when I don’t really want to be.  Choose different!  Only you have control of that!


Free Your Mind – Let It All Go!

Don’t Worry About “Fixing” you!

Maybe it’s not always about trying to fix something broken.  Maybe it’s about starting over and creating something better.  Pushing our minds beyond their own limits can give us an indescribable sense of joy.  It shows us how limitless we truly are.  We are what we think we are!

I’m preaching to the choir!  This is the reason I started this blog, for reinforcements of positive thinking and therapeutic conditioning of negative thoughts and feelings.  I gave meditation a chance, but with a mental illness, you may understand my struggles when I say clearing the mind of all thoughts and focusing on one thing, seems impossible.  I’m not saying the possibility of achieving the ability later in life is there, but I believe in preparing for task that seem unobtainable, when first introduced.  What’s the old saying, “You have to crawl before you can walk”.  I have spent most of my life holding my thoughts inside, restricted from letting them out into the World.  It’s my time to now let them out however I want!  Whether it means to share with my doctor, talk with caring friends or family, sometimes just have my one on one time with my Lord and Savior.  Other times I find, I may feel the urge to scream it out loud to the World!  Facebook is an avenue for that at times, but too up-close and personal when it may effect the ones you love or risk the chance of losing employment.  A blog, seems like the perfect answer for now!  If you decide to engage into my life and personal events, I’m glad to have you here, although, no one is forcing you to, nor do I have to share private information such as names, locations, etc.  For now, it’s just records of my thinking, my life as I remember, as I live.

My dream has always been to share my story, my experiences, self-discoveries, and steps that lead me to life of accomplishments.  Now, I’m no scientist, doctor, or by no means, anything above the ordinary human being.  However, my mind is beginning to realize my accomplishments, no matter how big or small to anyone else are all “HUGE” to me!  I’ve learned it’s all in perception and how you see yourself.  More importantly, not focusing on how others perceive you to be, you must define and believe in yourself!

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